If this is your first time using WebLink, refer to the Quick Start Guide. Otherwise, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Start by reviewing your vehicle screen manual. You may need to perform additional steps on your vehicle screen in order for WebLink to work.
  2. Ensure you have downloaded the appropriate WebLink Host app on your smartphone. Click here to download the latest version.
  3. If you launch WebLink for the first time on your smartphone, accept the Terms of Service prior to connecting to your vehicle screen.
  4. Connect your smartphone to your vehicle screen using a certified USB cable. Also verify that you are using the correct USB port as described by your vehicle screen manual.
  5. Some vehicle screens may require you to adjust the settings to enable WebLink. Verify that WebLink enabled in your vehicle screen settings.
  6. Make sure WebLink is opened in the foreground on your smartphone and that your smartphone is unlocked.
  7. On iOS, Siri may need to be enabled to establish a connection. Enable Siri by opening your phone Settings app, then choose Siri & Search settings menu.
  8. Keep your smartphone unlocked while using WebLink.

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